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   代市长 刘 奇


  第一章 总则

  第一条 为加强道路交通事故社会救助基金管理,依法及时对道路交通事故中受害人进行救助,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》和《道路交通事故社会救助基金管理试行办法》(财政部令第56号)等法律法规和规定,制定本办法。

  第二条 本市行政区域内道路交通事故社会救助基金(以下简称救助基金)的设立、筹集、使用和监督管理,适用本办法。


  第三条 救助基金实行统一政策、分级筹集、属地管理、分工负责的原则。

  第四条 市和县(市)区人民政府设立救助基金,海曙、江东、江北三区并入市级救助基金。



  第五条 市和县(市)区成立由财政、保监、公安、卫生、农业(农机)、审计等部门组成的救助基金管理领导小组,负责协调、研究救助基金的运作、审定救助基金主管部门提交的重要议题和有关事项。


  第六条 财政部门为救助基金的主管部门,会同有关部门研究制定本地救助基金的有关政策,并对同级救助基金的筹集、使用、管理进行监督和检查。





  第七条 市和县(市)区设立具有法人资格的救助基金管理机构,履行救助基金管理职责。


  第二章 救助基金筹集

  第八条 救助基金的来源包括:










  第九条 每年3月15日前,市财政局会同宁波保监局根据上一年度本市救助基金收支情况,按照收支平衡原则,在财政部、中国保险监督管理委员会公布的当年从交强险保险费收入中提取救助基金比例幅度范围内,确定本市当年的具体提取比例。

  第十条 办理交强险业务的市级保险机构应当按照市财政局、宁波保监局确定的提取比例,从市级保险机构及其分支机构的交强险保险费收入中分别计提资金,在每季度结束之日起10个工作日内,通过银行转账方式统一转入市级救助基金特设专户,并提供市级及县(市)区级救助基金计提明细情况。市级救助基金管理机构收到上述资金后,应当及时、足额转拨给县(市)区级救助基金特设专户。

  第十一条 经营交强险业务的保险公司,应当单独向税务机关申报交强险保险费收入及应缴营业税。



  第十二条 公安机关交通管理部门应当将对未按规定投保交强险的机动车所有人、管理人的罚款收入单独缴入同级国库。


  第三章 救助基金垫付

  第十三条 有下列情形之一时,道路交通事故中当事人和法定连带责任人因暂无支付能力等而需要救助的,事发地救助基金管理机构应垫付道路交通事故中受害人人身伤亡的丧葬费用、部分或者全部抢救费用:








  第十四条 符合本办法第十三条第一款规定需救助基金垫付部分或者全部抢救费用的,医疗机构应及时将受害人抢救费用及垫付情况书面告知公安机关交通管理部门。公安机关交通管理部门应当在3个工作日内书面通知救助基金管理机构,并告知医疗机构。

  第十五条 医疗机构在抢救受害人结束之日起5个工作日内,对尚未结算的抢救费用,可向所在地救助基金管理机构提出垫付申请,并提供有关抢救费用的证明材料。

  第十六条 救助基金管理机构收到公安机关交通管理部门垫付通知和医疗机构垫付尚未结算抢救费用的申请及相关材料后,应当在5个工作日内,按照本办法有关规定、《道路交通事故受伤人员临床诊疗指南》和当地物价部门制定的收费标准进行审核,并将审核结果书面告知处理该道路交通事故的公安机关交通管理部门和医疗机构。审核内容包括:





  第十七条 救助基金管理机构与医疗机构就垫付抢救费用问题发生争议时,由同级救助基金管理机构的主管部门会同卫生主管部门协调解决。

  第十八条 符合本办法第十三条第一款规定需救助基金垫付丧葬费用的,由受害人亲属凭处理该道路交通事故的公安机关交通管理部门出具的《尸体处理通知书》和受害人亲属身份证明,向救助基金管理机构提出书面垫付申请。


  第十九条 救助基金管理机构收到丧葬费用垫付申请和有关证明材料后,对符合垫付要求的,应在3个工作日内,按照有关标准垫付丧葬费用,并书面告知处理该道路交通事故的公安机关交通管理部门。对不符合垫付要求的,不予垫付,并向申请人说明理由。

  第二十条 救助基金管理机构对抢救费用和丧葬费用的垫付申请进行审核时,有权向公安机关交通管理部门、医疗机构、保险公司、殡葬机构等有关单位和相关人员核实情况,有关单位和相关人员应当予以配合。

  第四章 救助基金管理

  第二十一条 救助基金管理机构履行以下职责:





  第二十二条 救助基金管理机构应当向社会公布其电话、地址、联系人等信息。

  第二十三条 救助基金管理机构的费用支出,包括人员费用、办公费用、追偿费用、委托代理费用等,应当按照有关规定,由同级财政部门在年度预算中予以安排,不得在救助基金中列支。

  第二十四条 救助基金管理机构应按照国家有关银行账户管理规定开立救助基金特设专户。救助基金年终结余转入下一年度使用。

  第二十五条 救助基金实行单独核算、专户管理,并按照规定用途使用。救助基金管理机构收到缴纳、划拨、捐赠等来源的救助资金,应及时出具省财政厅监制的财政票据。

  第二十六条 救助基金管理机构根据本办法垫付抢救费用和丧葬费用后,应当依法向机动车道路交通事故直接责任人和连带责任人进行追偿。




  第二十七条 救助基金管理机构依法保管救助基金的财务档案和有关资料;定期对垫付的抢救费用和丧葬费用进行清理,对已追偿的抢救费用和丧葬费用进行冲销。


  第二十八条 市、县级救助基金管理机构应当于每季度终了后15个工作日内,将上季度的财务会计报告报送同级救助基金主管部门和上一级救助基金管理机构。

  第二十九条 县级救助基金管理机构于每年2月5日前向同级救助基金主管部门和上一级救助基金管理机构报送上一年度工作报告。年度工作报告应当包括救助基金的筹集、使用和管理情况、财务会计报告、财务会计审计报告以及人员变动情况等。

  第三十条 市级救助基金管理机构于每年2月10日前向市级救助基金主管部门和省级救助基金管理机构报送全市和市本级上一年度工作报告。

  第三十一条 救助基金管理机构应当如实记录并报告救助基金业务事项,不得有虚假记载和重大遗漏,并依法接受救助基金主管部门和审计等部门的监督检查。

  第三十二条 救助基金主管部门应当依法委托会计师事务所对救助基金年度工作报告进行审计,并予以公告,接受社会公众监督。

  第三十三条 救助基金管理机构变更或终止时,应当依法进行审计、清算,剩余资产上缴同级财政。

  第三十四条 市级救助基金主管部门应当于每年3月1日前,将本市上一年度救助基金的筹集、垫付、追偿等情况报送财政部和中国保险监督管理委员会。

  第五章 法律责任

  第三十五条 办理交强险业务的保险公司未依法从交强险保险费中提取资金并及时足额转入救助基金特设专户的,市级救助基金管理机构应及时向市级救助基金主管部门报告,由宁波保监局负责催缴,超过3个工作日仍未足额上缴的,给予警告,并予以公告。

  第三十六条 医疗机构提供虚假抢救费用的,由卫生主管部门给予警告,并按照有关规定对直接责任人予以处理。

  第三十七条 有下列情形之一的,由救助基金主管部门对救助基金管理机构及其负责人按照相关规定进行处理,并可以根据情形决定是否撤换救助基金管理机构相关责任人:





  第三十八条 救助基金主管部门和管理机构以及有关部门工作人员,在工作中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,依法给予行政处分;涉嫌犯罪的,依法移送司法机关处理。

  第六章 附则

  第三十九条 在本市行政区域内的高速公路上发生的道路交通事故中人身伤亡的救助,由市救助基金管理机构按照本办法有关规定执行。

  第四十条 本办法所称受害人,是指机动车发生道路交通事故造成除被保险机动车本车人员、被保险人以外的受害人。

  第四十一条 本办法所称抢救费用,是指机动车发生道路交通事故导致人员受伤时,医疗机构按照《道路交通事故受伤人员临床诊疗指南》,对生命体征不平稳和虽然生命体征平稳但如果不采取处理措施会产生生命危险,或者导致残疾、器官功能障碍,或者导致病程明显延长的受伤人员,采取必要的处理措施所发生的医疗费用。

  第四十二条 本办法所称丧葬费用,是指遗体丧葬所必需的运送、停放、冷藏、火化等费用。

  第四十三条 机动车在道路以外的地方通行时发生事故,造成人身伤亡的,适用本办法。


  第四十四条 本办法自2011年5月1日起试行。















































第一条 为维护中华人民共和国的主权,维持港口和沿海水域的秩序,保证航行安全,防止水域污染,特制定本规则。
第二条 在中华人民共和国港口和沿海水域航行的外国籍船舶(以下简称船舶)应遵守本规则以及中华人民共和国一切有关法令、规章和规定。中华人民共和国政府设置在港口的港务监督认为有必要对船舶进行检查时,船舶应接受检查。

第一章 进出港和航行
第三条 船长或船舶所有人应在船舶预定到达港口一星期之前,通过外轮代理公司填具规定的表报,向港务监督办理进口申请批准手续,并在到达港口之前二十四小时(航程不足二十四小时的,在驶离前一港口时),将预计到港时间,前、后吃水等情况通过外轮代理公司向港务监督报告。如预计到港时间有变化,应随时报告。船舶在航行途中,因遇险、发生故障、船员或旅客患急病等特殊情况,需临时进港或返航,应事先向港务监督报告。
第四条 船舶进出港口或在港内航行、移泊,必须由港务监督指派引航员引航。有关引航的具体事项,应按照中华人民共和国交通部颁发的《海港引航工作规定》办理。
第五条 船舶抵港后,应即呈报进口报告书及其它有关表报,同时交验船舶证书及有关文书,并接受检查。船舶出港前,应呈报出口报告书及其它有关表报,经检查发给出口许可证后,才可出口。
第六条 船舶上的武器、弹药,应在船舶抵港后由港务监督予以封存。无线电报发射机、无线电话发射机、火箭信号、火焰信号、信号枪,只有在危急情况下才可以使用,但在使用后必须向港务监督报告。
第七条 港内禁止射击、游泳、钓鱼、鸣放鞭炮或焰火以及其它危及港口安全秩序的行为。
第八条 船舶有下列情况之一者,港务监督有权在一定期间内禁止其出港或令其停航、改航、返航:
第九条 航行在中华人民共和国港口和沿海水域的船舶,不得进行危害中华人民共和国安全和权益的活动,并应遵守有关海峡、水道、航线和禁航区的规定。
第十条 船舶在港内不得以危及其它船舶和港口设施安全的速度航行。
第十一条 船舶附属的艇(筏),除了救生以外,不准在港内航行。
第十二条 船舶在港内航行、移泊时,船上的艇(筏)、吊货杆和舷梯等,不得伸出舷外。
第十三条 需要进入中华人民共和国对外轮开放的港口避风或临时停泊的船舶应向港务监督申请批准,申请内容包括:船名、呼号、国籍、船公司名称、出发港、目的港、船位、航速、吃水、船体颜色、烟囱颜色和标志,并应在指定的地点避风。

第二章 停泊
第十四条 船舶在港内停泊,必须留有足以保证船舶安全操纵的船员值班,遇有台风警报等紧急情况,全体船员必须立即回船采取防范、应急等措施。
第十五条 船舶在船员、旅客和其他人员上下之处设置的舷梯必须稳固,并有栏杆或攀索,软梯必须牢固安全,夜间应有足够的照明。
第十六条 船舶需要活车时,必须注意尾部周围环境,在不危及其他船舶和港口设施安全的情况下才可进行。
第十七条 停泊在港内的船舶,其两舷可能影响其他船舶、码头或人员上下的出水口必须加盖复罩。
第十八条 船舶的灯光不得影响其他船舶的航行安全,船上射向航道的强灯光,应予以遮蔽。
第十九条 船舶对装卸操作应提供安全良好的条件,装卸设备应具有合格证书,保持良好的技术状态。
第二十条 船舶进行下列事项,应事先向港务监督申请批准:
第二十一条 船舶熏蒸,应采取严密的安全措施,并应悬挂港口规定的信号。
第二十二条 为了维护港口和船舶的安全,需要在港内的船舶移泊或提前、推迟开航,船舶应遵守港务监督的决定。

第三章 信号和通讯
第二十三条 船舶在中华人民共和国港口和沿海水域航行、停泊,白天应悬挂船籍国的国旗,进出港口和移泊应加挂船名呼号旗和港口规定的有关信号。
第二十四条 船舶在进出港口和锚泊时,应注意港口信号台的呼叫和信号,在使用视觉信号时,应遵守中华人民共和国沿海港口信号规定。沿海港口未曾规定的信号,应依照《国际信号规则》办理。
第二十五条 船舶在港内除因航行安全必须外,不得随意鸣放声号。需要试笛时,应事先向港务监督报告。
第二十六条 船舶在港内使用甚高频无线电话,应遵守中华人民共和国交通部颁发的《关于外轮使用甚高频无线电话暂行办法》。

第四章 危险货物
第二十七条 船舶装卸、载运危险货物,应悬挂规定的信号,遵守有关危险货物运输管理的规定,采取必要的安全措施,特别是性能相抵触的货物,不许混装,严禁爆炸物品与发火物、易燃物品装载于同一舱内。
第二十八条 船舶载运爆炸物品、剧毒物品、放射性物品、压缩气体和液化气体、氧化剂、自燃物品、遇水燃烧物品、易燃液体、易燃固体和酸性腐蚀物品等一级烈性危险货物,应详细列具品名、性质、包装数量和装载位置,并且附具危险货物性质说明书,在预定到达港口三天之前,通过外轮代理公司向港务监督申请办理签证,经许可后才可进港、起卸或者过境。出口船舶载运上述危险货物,应在开始装载的三天以前,申请办理签证,经许可后才可装运。
第二十九条 船舶申请签发装运出口危险货物安全装载证明书,应在开始装载三天之前向港务监督提出书面申请,写明危险货物的品名、性质、包装、数量、装载位置(并且附具货物装载图)、中途港和目的港等事项并在港务监督指定的泊位进行装载。

第五章 航道保护
第三十条 船舶航行应遵守航行规定,维护航行秩序,如船舶发生意外事故有沉没危险时,应立即向港务监督报告,并尽力采取有效措施,驶离航道,避免妨碍交通和危及其他船舶。如果船舶已经沉没,船方应及时在沉没地点设置临时信号标志。
第三十一条 对沉没在港口或沿海水域的船舶或其他物体的打捞,均按照《中华人民共和国打捞沉船、沉物管理办法》办理。港务监督可视具体情况,通知沉船沉物所有人限期打捞清除,或立即组织打捞或解体清除,全部责任和费用应由沉船沉物所有人承担。
第三十二条 船舶发现或捞获沉、浮物体,应报告或送交港务监督处理,由港务监督酌情给予奖励。
第三十三条 船舶在港内需要倾倒垃圾等废弃物,应显示港口规定的信号招用垃圾船(车)。
第三十四条 船舶应爱护航道设备和助航标志,如损坏了助航标志、港口建筑或其他设施,应立即向港务监督报告,并应负责恢复原状或偿付恢复原状所需费用。

第六章 防止污染
第三十五条 在中华人民共和国的港口和沿海水域,禁止船舶任意排放油类、油性混合物,以及其他有害的污染物质和废弃物。
第三十六条 船舶排放压舱水、洗舱水、舱底水,必须向港务监督申请批准。如果船舶来自有疫情的港口,应经过卫生检疫机关卫生处理。装运危险货物和其他有害污染物船舱的污水、洗舱水,应经有关卫生部门鉴定合格后,方可在指定地点排放。
第三十七条 凡油轮和使用燃油的船舶,应备有油类记录簿,并且按照记录簿各项规定及时如实记载。
第三十八条 如船舶在港口和沿海水域发生污染事故,应将经过情况分别纪入油类记录簿和航海日志,并立即向港务监督报告,同时必须采取有效的措施防止扩散。如需采用化学剂处理,应提供化学成份说明书,向港务监督申请批准。
第三十九条 本章未列事项,按照中华人民共和国有关防止水域污染的规定办理。

第七章 消防和救助
第四十条 严禁在货舱以及易于引起船舶火警的场所吸烟和弄火。
第四十一条 船舶加油和油船装卸作业,应采取严密的防火安全措施。
第四十二条 船舶在港内进行烧焊等工程,应事先清理周围环境,采取严密防范措施,配备消防设备,并且在施工前后进行检查。对油舱及其邻近部位还必须卸完全部油料,清除残油,彻底通风,排除其内部易燃气体,并取得合格证明之后,才可以烧焊。
第四十三条 船舶失火或发生海难,应立即将出事地点和本船吨位、吃水、载货、受损和需要某种援助等情况报告港务监督。
第四十四条 港务监督在必要时,可动员和指挥在港内或沿海水域的船舶参加救助遇难船舶,在不影响本船安全的情况下,被动员的船舶有责任尽力救助。
第四十五条 港务监督或救助部门的负责人员到达现场,遇难船舶的船长应立即报告失事情况及已经采取的措施,提供救助必需的资料和方便,并且可以提出有关救助的建议。港务监督为维护安全秩序作出的决定,有关方面必须遵守。

第八章 海损事故
第四十六条 船舶发生海损事故,应尽速用电报或无线电话向港务监督报出扼要报告。在港区以外发出的海损事故,船长应在船舶进入第一港口四十八小时内,向港务监督递交海损事故报告书;在港区内发生的海损事故,船长应在二十四小时内向港务监督递交海损事故报告书。
第四十七条 船舶在中华人民共和国港口和沿海水域造成人命、财产损害事故时,应积极救助受害的船舶和人员,及时向港务监督报告,并接受调查和处理。如果肇事者见危不救,隐匿逃遁,将从严处理。
第四十八条 船舶发生船员死亡事故,应立即向港务监督报告。在港内由于船方或港方人员的过失,造成对方损害或伤亡事故等,应保留现场,双方都应及时向港务监督报告。如果发生纠纷,当事的任何一方,都可以向港务监督申请调查处理,涉及刑事范围的,由中华人民共和国司法机关处理。
第四十九条 本章未列事项,按照中华人民共和国交通部颁发的《海损事故调查和处理规则》办理。

第九章 违章处罚
第五十条 凡违反本规则以及中华人民共和国一切有关法令、规章和规定者,港务监督得按其性质、情节分别给予警告、罚款等处分,性质恶劣、情节严重者移交司法机关处理。
第五十一条 受处分者如果对所受处分不服,可以在接到通知的次日起十五日之内,向中华人民共和国港务监督局提出申诉。但在没有变更决定之前,原处分仍为有效。

第十章 附则
第五十二条 关于船舶避碰,本规则和中华人民共和国其他有关规定中未列事项,依照中华人民共和国施行的《国际海上避碰规则》办理。
第五十三条 本规则由中华人民共和国国务院批准施行,中华人民共和国交通部一九五七年三月十二日颁发的《中华人民共和国对外国籍船舶进出港口管理办法》同时废止。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民共和国涉外法规汇编》(1991年7月版).
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Approved by the State Council on August 25, 1979) and promulgated
by the Ministry of Communications on September 18, 1979)
General Provisions
Article 1
These Rules are formulated in order to safeguard the sovereignty of the
People's Republic of China, maintain the order of ports and coastal
waters, ensure the safety of navigation and prevent the pollution of
Article 2
All vessels of foreign nationality sailing in the ports and coastal waters
of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "vessels")
shall abide by these Rules and all the relevant decrees, stipulations and
provisions of the People's republic of China. Whenever the Harbour
Superintendency Administration set up by the Government of the People's
Republic of China is of the view that it is necessary to conduct
inspection of vessels, the vessels must subject themselves to inspection.
The term coastal waters as used in these Rules refers to the inland waters
and territorial seas of the People's Republic of China and the waters
stipulated by the State to be under its jurisdiction.

Chapter I Port Entry and Exit and Navigation
Article 3
The captain or the ship owner shall, through the China Ocean-shipping
Agency Corporation, one week before the scheduled arrival of his vessel at
a port, fill in the prescribed forms and go through the procedures to
apply for approval of port entry with the Harbour Superintendency
Administration and, 24 hours before the vessel's arrival at the port (or
if the voyage is less than 24 hours, at the time of departure from the
previous port), through the agent company for foreign vessels, report to
the Harbour Superintendency Administration on the scheduled time at
arrival, forward draft, stern draft, and other such conditions. A report
shall be made at any time if any change at the time of arrival is
anticipated. If in the course of its voyage, a vessel has to enter or
return to the port temporarily due to special circumstances such as
mishap, malfunction, or acute illness contracted by its seamen or
passengers, a report shall be made to the harbour Superintendency
Administration in advance.
Article 4
When a vessel goes into or out of a port or sails or changes berths in it,
it shall be guided by a pilot appointed by the Harbour Superintendency
Administration. The specific matters concerning pilotage shall be handled
in accordance with the "Provisions for Pilotage in Ports" promulgated by
the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of China.
Article 5
Upon arrival of a vessel at a port, the entry and other relevant reports,
together with the certificate of registry and relevant documents shall be
submitted promptly for examination, and the vessel shall be subject to
inspection. Before a vessel goes out of a port, the exit and other
relevant reports shall be submitted and the vessel may go out only with an
exit permit issued after inspection.
Article 6
All weapons and ammunition on board a vessel shall be k ept under seal by
the Harbour Superintendency Administration upon arrival of the vessel at
the port. Radio telegraph transmitters, radio telephone transmitters,
rocket signals, flame signals and signal guns shall only be used in
conditions of emergency; and after such use, reports must be made to the
Harbour Superintendency Administration.
Article 7
It shall be forbidden, inside a port, to shoot, swim, fish or set off
fire-crackers or fireworks or do other acts likely to endanger the safety
and order of the port.
Article 8
The Harbour Superintendency Administration shall be entitled to prohibit a
vessel from going out of the port within a specified period of time, or
order it to suspend its voyage, change its course or return to the port if
the vessel is in any of the following conditions:
1. in an unseaworthy condition;
2. in contravention of the laws or regulations of the People's Republic of
3. having involved in an accident of marine damage;
4. having failed to pay prescribed dues and to provide an appropriate
guarantee therefor;
5. other conditions which call for prohibition of navigation.
Article 9
Vessels sailing in the ports and coastal waters of the People's Republic
of China shall not engage in activities detrimental to the security,
rights and interests of the People's Republic of China and shall abide by
the provisions concerning straits, waterways, navigation lines and
restricted zones.
Article 10
Vessels shall not sail at such speed in ports as to endanger the safety of
other vessels and port facilities.
Article 11
The boats (rafts) attached to vessels shall not be allowed to sail in
ports except for lifesaving purposes.
Article 12
When sailing or changing berths in ports, vessels shall not have their
attached boats (rafts), derricks, gangways, etc. extended over the board
Article 13
Vessels that have to enter into a port of the People's Republic of China
which is open to foreign vessels for the purpose of taking shelter or
temporary berth shall apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administration
for approval; the application shall include: the ship's name, call sign,
nationality, name of the carrier, port of departure, port of destination,
ship's position, speed, draft, hull colour(s), funnel colour(s) and mark,
and shall take shelter at the specified place.
Vessels that have to take shelter or temporary berth in a place other than
the ports open to foreign vessels of the People's Republic of China shall,
in addition to going through the above procedures for the application for
approval, abide by the following:
1. duly report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration in the
neighbourhood on the anchoring time, position and the time of departure;
2. observe the provisions of the relevant local departments, subject
itself to inspection and enquiry and obey orders;
3. the personnel on board the vessel shall not come to land nor shall the
goods on board be unloaded without the approval of the relevant local

Chapter II Berthing
Article 14
Vessels berthed in a port shall have on duty a number of seamen sufficient
to ensure the safe operation of the vessel and, in times of a typhoon
warning or other emergency conditions, all crew members shall immediately
return on board to take preventive and other measures.
Article 15
The gangways of a vessel set up where the crew members, passengers and
other personnel embark and disembark shall be firm and secure and armed
with rails or hand ropes; rope ladders shall be firm and safe, with
adequate illumination at night.
Article 16
When a vessel has to start its engine, attention shall be paid to the
surroundings of the stern and it shall only be done in circumstances where
the safety of other vessels and port facilities will not be endangered.
Article 17
The water outlets on both sides of a vessel berthed in a port, which are
likely to affect other vessels, the pier or the embarkation and
disembarkation of personnel shall be covered.
Article 18
The light of a vessel shall not affect the safety of navigation of other
vessels and strong lights of the vessel projected towards the course of
navigation shall be blocked.
Article 19
Vessels shall provide safe and good conditions for loading and unloading
operations and the loading and unloading installations shall possess
certificates of compliances and be maintained in good technical condition.
Article 20
A vessel shall make prior applications to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration for approval to carry out the following operations:
1. dismantling and repair of boilers, main engine, windlasses, steering
gear and transmitters;
2. trial voyages and trial runs;
3. setting down boats (rafts) to carry out lifesaving rehearsal;
4. welding or soldering (except for repair in a dockyard) or carrying out
operations with uncovered light on the deck;
5. hanging out decorative lamps.
Article 21
In the fumigation of a vessel, strict safety measures shall be taken and
the signal stipulated by the Port shall be hoisted.
Article 22
To ensure safety of the port and vessels, the decisions of the Harbour
Superintendency Administration shall be complied with if any ship has to
change berths in the port or set sail ahead of schedule or postpone

Chapter III Signals and Communication
Article 23
Vessels sailing or berthed in the ports and coastal waters of the People's
Republic of China shall fly the national flags of their countries of
registry in daytime. When coming into or going out of the ports or
changing berths, they shall additionally fly their vessel flags for call
and the relevant signals stipulated by the port.
Article 24
When coming into or going out of the port or anchoring, vessels shall pay
attention to the calls and signals of the port signal station and shall
observe the regulations of the People's Republic of China for signals in
coastal ports in the use of visual signals. In respect of signals not yet
stipulated by coastal ports, "International Rules for Signals" shall be
Article 25
Vessels in ports shall not send out sound signals at will except out of
necessity for navigation safety. When it is necessary to test whistles, a
report shall be submitted to the Harbour Superintendency Administration in
Article 26
In the use of very high frequency radio telephones in ports, vessels shall
abide by the "Interim Measures for the Use of Radio Telephones of Very-
high-frequency by Vessels of Foreign Registry" promulgated by the Ministry
of Communications of the People's Republic of China.

Chapter IV Dangerous Goods
Article 27
In loading, unloading or transportation of dangerous goods, the vessels
shall hoist the stipulated signals, observe the stipulations for the
administration of the transportation of dangerous goods and take necessary
safety measures. In particular, goods with mutually-conflicting properties
shall not be loaded in a mixed way and it shall strictly be prohibited to
load explosive articles together with igniters or combustible articles in
the same holds.
Article 28
In carrying Class-1 strongly dangerous goods such as explosive articles,
deadly poisonous articles, radioactive articles, compressed gases and
liquefied gases, oxidizers, spontaneous combustible articles, articles
that ignite when in contact with water, combustible liquids, combustible
solids and acid corrosives, vessels shall list in detail the names of the
goods, their properties, package, quantity and loading position, and also
attach the instructions concerning the properties of the dangerous goods
to the lists and apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administration
through the agent companies for foreign vessels for clearance visas three
days before their scheduled arrival at the ports. Only with approval may
they enter the port, unload goods, or pass through the transit. To carry
the above mentioned dangerous goods, outgoing vessels shall apply for
clearance visas three days before the start of loading. Only with
approval may they load and carry.
Article 29
In applying for the safety certificates for loading and carrying dangerous
goods for export, vessels shall make written applications to the Harbour
Superintendency Administration three days before the start of loading,
clearly stating the names of the dangerous goods, their properties,
package, quantity, loading position (also attached with loading plans of
the goods), midway ports, port of destination, etc. Loading shall be done
at the berths specified by the Harbour Superintendency Administration.

Chapter V Safeguard of Navigation Lanes
Article 30
In navigation, vessels shall abide by the provisions for and maintain the
order of navigation. If a vessel encounters an accident and is in danger
of sinking, it shall promptly report to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration and take effective measures as best as it can to sail out
of the lane so as not to obstruct navigation and endanger other vessels.
If the vessel has sunk, the vessel side shall duly set up a temporary
signal mark at the place of its sinking.
Article 31
The salvage of vessels or other articles which have sunk in the ports or
coastal waters shall be handled in accordance with the "Measures of the
People's Republic of China for the Administration of the Salvage of Sunken
Vessels and Sunken Articles". The Harbour Superintendency Administration
shall, according to particular circumstances, notify the owners of the
sunken vessels or sunken articles to salvage and remove them within a
prescribed period, or promptly organize the salvage or dismantlement and
removal; the entire responsibilities and expenses shall be borne by the
owners of the sunken ship and sunken articles.
Article 32
If a vessel, finds or dredges up any sunken or floating article, it shall
report, or hand it over for handling, to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration, which shall give awards at its discretion.
Article 33
If a vessel has to dump rubbish and other refuse in a port, it shall
display the signal stipulated by the port to call up a rubbish boat (or
Article 34
Vessels shall take good care of lane installations and navigational aids.
If a vessel has damaged any navigational aid, port construction or other
facilities, it shall promptly report to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration and undertake to restore them or pay compensation for the

Chapter VI Prevention of Pollution
Article 35
In the ports and coastal waters of the People's Republic of China, vessels
shall be prohibited from wilfully draining away oils, oil mixtures and
other pernicious pollutants and wastes.
Article 36
Vessels shall apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administration for
approval for draining away ballast water, washing water from holds or
bilge water. A vessel that comes from an epidemic-affected port shall go
through the hygienic treatment of the quarantine. The bilge water and
washing water from the holds of vessels carrying dangerous goods and other
pernicious pollutants may be drained at specified places only after
appraisal which indicates that they meet the standards of the public
health department concerned.
Article 37
All oil tankers and vessels using fuel oil shall possess oils registers
and duly and truly make entries therein in accordance with various
provisions of the registers.
Article 38
If polluting accidents occur with vessels in the ports or coastal waters,
they shall record the course of events separately in their oils registers
and sea logs, promptly report to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration and at the same time take effective measures to prevent
diffusion of the pollutants. If treatment with chemicals is required, it
is necessary to apply to the Harbour Superintendency Administrations for
approval, and provide them with the instructions of the chemical
Article 39
Matters not included in this chapter shall be handled in accordance with
the provisions of the People's Republic of China relating to the
prevention of pollution of waters.

Chapter VII Fire Control and Rescue
Article 40
It shall strictly be forbidden to smoke or make fires in cargo holds or
other places prone to fire on board the vessels.
Article 41
Strict fire-prevention and safety measures shall be taken for the
refueling of vessels and for the loading and unloading operations of oil
Article 42
To perform such engineering projects as welding or soldering on board a
vessel, the surroundings, shall be cleared in advance, strict precaution
measures be taken, firefighting equipment be made ready and inspection be
conducted before and after the operations. The oil tanks and their
adjacent parts shall necessarily be emptied of all oil materials, cleared
of residues of oil, thoroughly ventilated, with their internal combustible
gases discharged and certified as up-to-standard before welding or
soldering can be carried out.
Article 43
If a vessel catches fire or encounters a sea peril, it shall promptly
report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration such conditions as
scene of the accident, tonnage of vessel, draft, cargo carried, damages,
and the kind of assistance required.
Article 44
If necessary, the Harbour Superintendency Administration may mobilize and
command the vessels in the port or coastal waters to take part in the
rescue of a vessel in trouble and under the circumstances that their own
safety will not be affected, the mobilized vessels have the responsibility
to partake in the rescue as best as they can.
Article 45
When the Harbour Superintendency Administration or leading members of the
rescue department arrive at the scene, the captain of the vessel in
trouble shall promptly report the state of the accident and the measures
which have been taken and supply the data and facilities required for the
rescue. He may also make suggestions concerning the rescue. The parties
concerned shall observe the decisions made by the Harbour Superintendency
Administration for the maintenance of security and order.

Chapter VIII Accidents of Damages at Sea
Article 46
When an accident of damages at sea occurs to a vessel, it shall make a
summary report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration by telegraph
or radio-telephone as soon as possible. With regard to the occurrence of
an accident of damages at sea outside a port area, the captain shall
submit a report about the accident to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration within forty-eight hours of the vessel's entry into the
first port of call. With regard to the occurrence of an accident of
damages at sea within the port, the captain shall submit a report about
the accident to the Harbour Superintendency Administration within 24
Article 47
When a vessel causes an accident in the port or coastal waters of the
People's Republic of China, which results in the loss of human life and
damage to property, it shall actively attempt to rescue the damaged vessel
and injured personnel, promptly report the matter to the Harbour
Superintendency Administration and subject itself to investigation and
handling. The troublemaker who does not rescue those in danger but hides
itself or runs away shall be severely dealt with.
Article 48
If the death of a seaman occurs on board a vessel, the vessel shall
promptly make a report to the Harbour Superintendency Administration. If
the default of personnel of the vessel side or the port side gives rise to
damage or injury or death to the other side, the scene shall be kept
intact and both sides shall duly report to the Harbour Superintendency
Administration. If a dispute occurs, any party concerned may apply to the
Harbour Superintendency Administration for investigation and handling.
Those involving crimes shall be dealt with by the judicial organs of the
People's Republic of China.
Article 49
Matters which are not included in this Chapter shall be handled in
accordance with the "Rules for the Investigation and Handling of Accidents
of Damage at Sea promulgated by the Ministry of Communications of the
People's Republic of China.

Chapter IX Punishments on Contravention of Regulations
Article 50
The Harbour Superintendency Administration shall impose such punishments
as a warning or a fine, according to the nature and seriousness of the
offence, on anyone who has contravened these Regulations and any other
relevant decrees, provisions and regulations of the People's Republic of
China. Those of a vile and serious nature shall be handed over to, and
dealt with by, the judicial organs.
Article 51
If the punished party does not accept the punishment, he can make an
appeal to the Harbour Superintendency Administration of the People's
Republic of China within 15 days of receipt of the notice. Before
alteration of the decision, however, the original punishment shall still
take effect.

Chapter X Supplementary Provisions
Article 52
With regard to the prevention of collision of vessels, matters which are
not included in these Regulations and other relevant provisions of the
People's Republic of China shall be handled in accordance with the
"International Rules For the Avoidance of Collision at Sea" implemented by
the People's Republic of China.
Article 53
These Regulations shall be put into effect as of the date of promulgation
by the State Council of the People's Republic of China. Concurrently
therewith, the "Measures of the People's Republic of China For the
Administration of Port Entry and Exit by Vessels of Foreign Registry"
promulgated by the Ministry of Communications of the People's Republic of
China on March 12, 1957 shall be annulled.